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April 17, 2020

Yumkin Pumpkin Special Release

Yumkin Pumpkin Special Release


A quick thank you to everyone who has ordered to-go food and beer with us during these abnormal times.

In March, we held a fun social media “March madness” tournament with our beers.  We started with 64 of past and current WBC beers in the tournament and you voted on which one was your favorite.  Well, as you can see Yumkin Pumpkin was crowned the tournament champion.  To honor such a victory and to put a smile on your face, we have brewed up a single batch of Yumkin Pumpkin.  We know we have a lot of avid Pumpkin fans.  We want to make as many people happy as possible and keep this a fun release.  To help spread the joy to as many Yumkin Pumpkin fans, here is our release plan.


The single “small” batch we brewed should yield 14 beer barrels of Yumkin Pumpkin at the time of packaging. There are 31 gallons of beer per barrel. We are going to divide up the liquid in the following manner:

4- ½ barrel kegs

20-1/6 barrel kegs

118- cases or 472-6 packs


The ½ barrel kegs will go to the brewpubs and will be used to fill growlers.  That will yield about 30 growlers per keg.  Limit of two growlers per customer.


The 1/6 barrel kegs will be sold to individuals on a first come first served basis.  To order a keg of pumpkin, email production@wichitabrew.com.  Limit one per customer.  Cost of a keg is $100 plus a $30 deposit fee for the keg shell (refundable upon return).  Instructions on pickup times will be included in a confirmation email.  The kegs will need to be picked up from our production facility at 727 E. Osie.  If we do not have 20 people that want a 1/6 barrel, we will put that liquid in more cans.


The cases of Yumkin Pumpkin will be divided up equally and sent to the East and West brewpubs on Friday, May 1st.  We are also canning the pumpkin that Friday morning.  So, the beer will be as fresh as it will ever be.  The cans and growlers will begin to go on sale at 1 PM May 1st.  We are limiting everyone to two 6-packs per person.  When we are gone, we are gone.  Yumkin Pumpkin ordering will not be available online.  Phone ordering should only be used in conjunction with food orders.  If you are only wanting to buy beer to go, please order in person at one of the pubs.  This will help us control the flow of people to maintain appropriate social distancing to keep everyone safe.  The phone number to our west location is 316-440-2885.  The phone number to our east location is 316-440-4885.  We will have a specially designated area for beer only sales near the front door of each brewpub.  Please help us enforce social distancing and keep 6 feet away from other people while at the brewpubs.  Please be patient when picking up.  We will try to make the process as smooth as possible for everyone.  No orders for cans or growlers will be accepted before 1 PM on May 1st.


Can’t forget about the treasured spice rims for your Yumkin Pumpkin!  We will have one spice rim container available for free with every purchase of Pumpkin.  If you would like additional containers of the spiced rim, they will be $0.50.


We hope to make these unknown times a little more enjoyable for everyone.  Thanks for being a fan of Wichita Brewing Company and supporting us.  We look forward to the days of re-opening our dining room doors and sharing a pizza and beer with you all.


Cheers and stay safe everyone.




Wichita Brewing Company


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